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Interesting Reads
Our team are experts in helping you break down your challenges into something you can make sense of, learn from and action. But why stop there? We want to share those lessons and experiences so you don't feel alone - dig in for a good read.

Amy Gorman
Jun 12, 20245 min read
What's the deal with the scale?
We’ve all been there, you’re working flat out for months on this super restrictive diet, then one meal out and BOOM - weights gone up!

Amy Gorman
May 30, 20248 min read
Why I stopped wearing my fitness trackerÂ
In March I stopped wearing my Garmin watch. In part because the strap was ready to snap. But more so, because...

Amy Gorman
Aug 11, 20224 min read
What’s your automatic tendency?
Often our automatic habits are things we need to work on overcoming. Do you have a tendency to sleep until the last minute, put off...

Amy Gorman
Jul 6, 20223 min read
How do you feel about stopping and taking time off in a day?
I don’t necessarily mean packing up and ditching the day - although sometimes I do. I mean, stopping for lunch, a walk, a nap in the...

Amy Gorman
Jun 7, 20223 min read
Simple changes for big results
We understand the why and what to do when choosing to make healthier choices, but often the how is the limiting factor. Let's look at...
Amy Gorman
May 12, 20224 min read
Choice or chore?
I’ve written a few times recently about how you speak to yourself, the image you portray within your own head and the impact on your...
Amy Gorman
Apr 22, 20223 min read
Is your sleep impacting your results?
Ever noticed that when you don’t sleep well, your eating habits are a little all over the place the next day? Your ability to make...

Amy Gorman
Apr 1, 20224 min read
I can't do it, I'm just not motivated today.
This is a big one for all of us, really. "I'm just not feeling it (exercise) today, so I may as well not do any of it (move, eat right,...

Amy Gorman
Mar 25, 20225 min read
Eating well is based on way more than food - part 2
Surprising? I wouldn’t have said so. Maybe that’s because of what I do, so I’m meant to understand that. Within health and fitness, we...

Amy Gorman
Mar 18, 20221 min read
Eating well is based on way more than food
Surprising? For me, it's not. But for others this may be a completely idiotic comment. What do you think? I started to write about the...

Amy Gorman
Mar 11, 20224 min read
Do you know when enough is enough?
I’ve had a lot of conversations in the last few weeks about the reality of ‘old’/post covid life coming back in. With that, the anxiety,...

Amy Gorman
Mar 4, 20224 min read
Does using a fitness tracker impact your mindset?
I was thinking after a run this week about using a fitness tracker and the impact it has on my training, as well as overall lifestyle and...
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