“I’m scared I’ll still be like this by…[insert date]”
“What if I do change and I get what I’m working towards?”
Do you ever find yourself fearing failure and success, almost simultaneously?
If so, you’re not alone.
Change can be scary. If we felt more comfortable with it, we’d be changing things left, right and centre. In those instances, the outcomes also probably wouldn’t mean as much to us.
There’s a helpful quote to remember when that goal is scary - “If it doesn’t scare you a little, it’s probably not worth doing”.
So the next time you’re scared you won’t achieve the thing, or of the work required to get there. Remember that it’s probably worth the effort that needs to go into it.
It can be tough to feel fear, anxiety or discomfort and not want to lean in to it. Sometimes we're comfortable in the life we have and don't want to rock the boat for fear of what we may lose. But in reality, what if rocking the boat is exactly what you need to get clarity on whether that is what you want, or indeed find something even better?
If we forever live in that comfortable space, how are we going to learn the wonders, promise and adventures the world has outside?
That being said, it can still be very helpful to break that big scary goal down into smaller, manageable milestones that give you a little fear (or excitement, or drive) but also help you to see success along the way.
It can be tough to stare down a tunnel and not know when you’ll get to the end. That could be with a work deadline, in the same way as a workout or a fitness goal. We like to see small steps along the way to realise our progress. This is why coaching calls and performance reviews are so helpful - they let us see where we’ve progressed and where we need to improve.
The other element of that big scary goal is identifying why it scares you. Is it scary because it means so much to you? Yes? Good! Make sure you know why you’re doing it, because I guarantee when you're marathon training in the depths of winter, you'll want to remember why!
If it’s scary because you don’t want it, then review the path and set a new one! You’re not a tree! (Even then, we can dig up and re-plant a tree!)
This week, I want you think about the moments in life that worry you. Why do they make you worry? Is it because something feels wrong, or it feels right? If it feels good and right, do yourself a favour and get out of your own damn way and keep moving forward, one step at a time!