A what?
Let's take an example of what you might be trying to achieve.
Goal: Feel healthier
Looking at your current diet you can see that you eat a lot of processed food and your veggie intake isn't very high.
We could look at this a couple of ways.
I eat a lot of processed food, I'm going to stop.
This is an avoidance goal, which requires you to look back and review whether or not you have had the thing you're trying not to have and therefore force it in front of your mind - encouraging you to want it.
If you think about the last time someone told you not to do something, what did you want to do? EXACTLY the thing they told you NOT to do.
An alternative strategy would be to focus on eating more vegetables and whole foods (i.e. not processed).
This allows you to focus on doing something - therefore being in control of your choices - rather than stop yourself from doing something.
The more energy we put into actions we can achieve and control, the more likely we are to succeed. With a clear direction, we can do so many things.
It would work a similar way with a whole host of habits.
I want to focus on going to bed at 10pm, instead of I can't stay up and scroll/watch tv.
Or I'm going to fill my shopping basic with 80% whole foods, instead of I can't go in the biscuit aisle I'm.
Or I'm going to go to the gym three times this week, instead of I'm going to stop being lazy and avoiding the gym.
Which one sounds more inviting to you?
Which one sounds more measurable in terms of success?
The more markers of success and actions we can line up, the higher the success we can have.
So what are your targets for the next week?