Today I got to thinking about some of my habits and what makes me more or less likely to follow them.
I thought about how I take pride in my actions, regardless of what others may think or how I may be perceived. I know that the impact of those actions are important enough for me to continue with them.
For example, I bought a new water bottle recently (yes, another) and it makes me really happy to carry it around and drink from it. So I instantly increased from drinking about 1.5 litres of water a day to 4! It's a nice colour, it matches my coffee cup, it has a handy straw to drink from, it keeps my water cold. Overall, it's been positive and I love it.
That's the same with my food prep choices. I enjoy the food I cook and I like to keep it varied because I know that someone will ask me what I'm having and I want to be interested in my answer, not bored of it. I take pride in the fact that I'm consistent with making my food and that I'm a good enough cook to make tasty things. Not something that everyone can do, which can become a barrier.
I am also very happy to be a person that trains/exercises five times a week. In some spaces this may be deemed excessive or obsessive. Luckily, I'm not in one of those spaces and I choose to surround myself with other people that value many of these qualities, which makes it easier to maintain.

I had a conversation with a client yesterday that had taken a break from CrossFit and is doing some rehab and
strength work with me alongside classes to ensure she stays injury free. She mentioned that now she can lift more again, feels better and is being consistent with her weekly exercise again, she has gone back to thinking of it as "training" rather than "exercising".
This was a sign that she's crossed back into some really solid habits and is proud of her actions and progress because her mindset around her activity has changed. It has changed to having a purpose, rather that being some she has to do, it's something she gets to and wants to do.
It can take time to find the habits that are important to you, or to frame them in a way that will make you more likely to complete them. But when you do, it will make a difference to your outcomes. The more they come as second nature and are thought of as something you're proud of rather than a chore or challenge, the better!
What habits do you have that truly make a positive difference to your life?