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I am a person that…

Amy Gorman
  • Eats well

  • Exercises/moves daily

  • Responds promptly to messages

  • Cares about their well-being

  • Cares about others

  • Makes the bed in the morning

  • Is well hydrated

  • Does the right thing

  • Reads regularly

Who you are, or want to be, doesn’t have to be any of these.

But one step to making habits stick and becoming the person you want to be is already identifying as them.

I am a person that exercises three times a week, eats well and gives a crap about other people’s feelings.

This way you are already well positioned in that scenario, rather than I would like to build a habit where I exercise three times a week. Where it is a big task to take on.

Instead, you are already part of the way there, because you identify as that person. Even if you currently do it sporadically once a week or alternate weeks.

If you are that person, it is easy to develop habits that they would do. You can look at people around you that behave in that way and ask them “how do you do this?” or “why is this important to you?” or “how do you fit it into a busy schedule?” and try to take on some of those characteristics.

The habits that then shape these characteristics could then be getting to bed early to prioritise activity three mornings a week, having a glass of water each morning before coffee, or setting aside an hour every Sunday to plan and organise meals for the next three days.

These are not overwhelmingly significant habits, they’re fairly small and simple. But it’s these small habits that allow you to shape who you are and want to be as a human being.

Who is it that you want to be?


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