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Taking BIG steps in the ‘right’ direction

Amy Gorman

Sometimes we stay in, let’s say non ideal, situations for too long. Not because we want to, and not because we don’t want to get out, but because sometimes it is the only thing we really know and it can be hard to break out of that pattern until we find the right thing to go to.

It can be easy to look at a situation objectively and tell someone else what to do. It’s really, really hard to look at your own life, acknowledge a problem and do something about it.

I’ve been in a non ideal situation for a while now. At one point it was the combination of a toxic relationship, combined with a toxic job, and breathing toxic city air. This is just what I thought life was. Of course, I mean this flippantly. I have always understood and appreciated that I am in a privileged position, I can make choices and change. For so long I was just so terrified to make the wrong change. Could it be worse? 

So, slowly, over the last few years I’ve made small changes, and big changes. I ended the toxic relationship, I stayed in the job, I stayed in the city. I moved to a different part of the city. I made new friends. I added bits to life that I enjoyed. The job was more enjoyable, I made real changes, inside and outside the office.

The more I added to my external environment, the more my passion grew to do more of it. Training, studying, meeting new people. That left less space to want to do the ‘normal’ bits, the being in the office full time bit. As my passion grew, my positive energy did too, and with that I reached the stage where I could see my next steps and was ready to make a change. A positive change, objectively, for me.

Three weeks ago I left the office, but I took with me: lessons, memories, friends, incredible life experiences. I am grateful for the opportunities that appeared to test my limits and teach me new skills. I am thankful to the mentors (formal and informal) I had along the way. Mostly, I am proud of myself for never giving up and always wanting to do my best for me and everyone else around me. 

I cannot wait to start this next chapter. It’s going to be so exciting!

I have now spent three weeks learning to be a fitness instructor, a personal trainer, to teach outdoor fitness, to support people through exercise referral, to become a sports conditioning coach and to teach indoor cycling. I am now ready to get my teeth stuck in to learning some real life lessons and helping people to make positive changes in their lives. 

If you’re interested in knowing more about my coaching in PT or nutrition, give me a shout!!


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