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Where do you want to be in three months time?

Amy Gorman

It’s coming to that time of year where we move into a new year and wonder what we achieved in this one. We look at the things we said we wanted to achieve in the year, where we wanted to be and often realise we may not have done that.

It’s easy to then feel complacent or despondent about it if we perceive it to be, “I didn’t do this”. Or we can achieve it and then not be sure where to go next.

So I want to step in on either of these mentalities now, so you can feel accomplished finishing out the year and moving into the next one.

Think of the goals you set.

Think of the achievements, progress and successes you’ve had.

  • Did you achieve what you set out to?

    • Did you do better?

  • Did you achieve something different and amazing?

  • What have you learnt about yourself this year?

    • What about this month?

    • Damn, what about this week?

There’s a reason I ask you my client each week for their wins and learning. Because I see amazing progress in each of you every week, and I want you to see and feel it too.

When you’ve taken a moment to think about where you are now and where you’ve come from, you’ll be in a good place to think about where next.

Rather than think about where you want to be next December, let’s look at March.

By March 1 I’d like to feel…

  • Happy

  • Balanced

  • Calm

  • Strong

By March 1 I’d like to be…

  • Consistently eating well (continue from now)

  • Consistently doing chest to bar pull ups in workouts

  • Staying injury free - come on shoulders, you can keep doing a good job

    • So I can throw 75kg above my head

By March 1 I’d like to…

  • Have some kind of routine in my hours and sleep! Sleeeeeep please!

  • Work with more incredible strong women that want to be stronger (mentally and physically) and understand themselves better

Where do you want to be?

Next week we’ll break down how to get there!


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