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The new way to "body-part" split your training.

By now, we know that a classic "bro split" isn't the best, or most efficient way to train for strength, building muscle, fitness or health.


Train movements with the Upper-Lower split programme, so you can train effecitvely to build strength, and make gains in the gym. Training in a smart way, with a progressive strength training programme to guide you.


12 week programme

3, 4 or 5 sessions per week

Commercial gym (Barbell, DB's, bench pull up bar, isolation machines)


BONUS #1: 13th week of training to deload after the 12 week programme

BONUS #2: Eat to Build Muscle E-Book, fuel your training to build muscle and gain strength


£95.00, lifetime access

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Get strong and build muscle WITHOUT spending HOURS in the gym. Start getting better results, in less time.

Transform How You Train

No more arm days or leg days. We're training movements NOT muscles. So you can not only build strength, but become flexible AND mobile, whilst getting strong and gaining muscle.


Efficient and Effective Training

You don't need to spend hours in the gym to get great results.
Upper-Lower Programme sessions can be done in just 60 minutes each. Giving you effective training to help you build strength and gain muscle in less time and with less training.


Pick your Training Days

Choose whether you want to train 3, 4 or 5 days per week. With each of the programmes tailored to suit your training schedule, so you can maximise your results in the time you have to train.

Log Your Progress

Keep track of all your lifts and make realistic, sustainable and consistent progress, all in one place.​


Demo Videos

Not sure how to complete a movement or where you should be focusing? We have demo videos for all movements inside our app, directly on your programme so you don't have to go trawling through YouTube for direction.


Training Feedback

Upload videos and get feedback on your lifts directly from us, so you can improve your technique and make sure you're training effectively to make the progress that you're looking for!

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Equipment Needed

Upper Lower is written to be done in a commercial style gym with barbells, DB's, bench, pull up bar, and isolation machines.


Programme Details

- 12 week programme

- 3, 4 or 5 session per week versions

- Up to 60 minutes per session


Sign up NOW and start making strength gains and building muscle in the next 12 weeks!


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