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Empower Fitness and Nutrition Lifestyle Workshops with our Expert Nutrition Coaching team

Lifestyle Workshops

Shared experience is one of the best ways to learn. By bringing people together we open up the opportunity to grow and learn from other people's experience. Often, knowing you're not alone is one of the best ways to realise the changes you can make. We host monthly workshops to help you learn more in an open and welcoming environment. 

Introduction to

Mental Health

Goal Setting

Better Sleep,
Better Health

Fuelling for 


Muscle Building

Female Health

Summer Series 

Monday July 8, 12.30pm

Lunch and Learn: 5 Healthy Nutrition Habits for LIFE​

Most people generally know what healthy eating should look like, however, life gets busy and often our good intentions of eating well don’t always translate into the best day-to-day actions. In this talk, Amy Gorman will share her Top 5 Nutrition Habits to be a consistently healthy eater without falling into restrictive diet-culture. 


This workshop is packed with simple, take-action strategies to help you improve your food quality, meal planning, weekly prep, snacking strategy, and mental outlook towards healthy eating, and you’ll be left with a clear plan of what you can start doing TODAY to eat and feel better!

Thursday July 11, 12.30pm

Lunch and Learn: Easy Peasy, Summer Nutrition Simplified​​

For many, we get to summer and feel the need to park our goals. It's too hard to socialise and stay fit and healthy. It's too hard to consistently lose body fat, or build muscle. It's too hard to say no to the slice of cake or pint of beer. It's easier to park our priorities and just go with the flow. But is it? 


The reality of our summer is that we socialise a few times a week, maybe once more than the rest of the year, and we don't enjoy it as much because we feel sluggish from crap hot dogs and burger buns, too many beers and terrible nights of sleep. We're going to help you implement strategies to enjoy time with friends and live a life FULL of energy and enjoyment! 

Sunday July 14, 5pm

Your Questions Answered: Live Nutrition Q&A Session​

Your burning questions, ANSWERED!  


Jump in with our coaches to ask your questions about how to stay on track over summer, without it eating into the fun. We'll answer your questions and share strategies that work for us and our clients. 


One of the best strategies through uncertainty is having boundaries, so you can then have free reign within them - rather than the world is your oyster and you just don't know where to start. Come work out how to handle that summer FOMO.​

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